Listen & Learn: Unknown unknowns: are R&D organizations data driven or following their gut?Rachel Ougier SimoninJun 12, 20241 min readDear all,Please find enclosed the slides shared during our HCD L&L call, where we discussed pitfalls in R&D and how to avoid them!A big thank you to our HCD member Peter, who shared a wealth of knowledge during the session!HCD_LL_DecisionMaking_20240418 (1).pdfDownload PDF • 4.21MB
Dear all,Please find enclosed the slides shared during our HCD L&L call, where we discussed pitfalls in R&D and how to avoid them!A big thank you to our HCD member Peter, who shared a wealth of knowledge during the session!HCD_LL_DecisionMaking_20240418 (1).pdfDownload PDF • 4.21MB
LISTEN & LEARN: BIOPHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT FORECASTINGPlease find enclosed the slides created by Robert F. Siegmund for our Listen & Learn on product forecasting.
Listen & Learn: ForesightPlease find enclosed the Foresight L&L presentation, brought to our community by our HCD member Antonis Sarlikiotis.